First we need to enable the AppRole Auth backend. We do this by:
curl \
-X POST \-H "X-Vault-Token:<roottoken>" \-d '{"type":"approle"}' \
We then create a role for streamsets, and associate it with our existing secret-policy policy: curl \ -H "X-Vault-Token:<roottoken>" \ -X POST \ -d '{ "token_ttl": "500h", "token_max_ttl": "500h", "secret_id_num_uses": 0, \ "policies": "secret-policy", "period": 0, "bind_secret_id": true}' \ http://<vaultserver>:8200/v1/auth/approle/role/streamsetsThe token_ttl is the unit of time to life for issued tokens, the token_maxx_ttl is the unit of time to life for which a token can no longer be renewed, secret_id_num_uses is the number of times a secret can be used to fetch a token from this auth backend, here we have set a 0 meaning unlimited, policies associates our policy we created in our previous post with this auth backend (can be multiple), period if set will change the token to be periodic and will never expire as long as it is renewed, and finally bind_secret_id which requires the secret_id to be present when logging.
With this command executed we can verify our role was created:
curl \ --header "X-Vault-Token:<roottoken>" \ --request LIST \http://<vaultserver>:8200/v1/auth/approle/roleAfter verifying our role as created successfully, we need to grab our Role Id:Now we need to grab the Secret Id associated with this Role Id:curl \ -X GET \ -H "X-Vault-Token:<roottoken>" \http://<vaultserver>:8200/v1/auth/approle/role/streamsets/role-idcurl \ -X POST \ -H "X-Vault-Token:<roottoken>" \ http://<vaultserver>:8200/v1/auth/approle/role/streamsets/secret-idWith these 2 credentials we can now login to vault:curl \ -X POST \ -d '{"role_id":"<roleid>","secret_id":"<secretid>"}' \ http://<vaultserver>:8200/v1/auth/approle/loginThis will grant us a new token, we've been using the root token so far. We can test out this token by attempting to access a secret we created in the previous post:curl \ -X GET \ -H "X-Vault-Token:<newtoken>" \ http://<vaultserver>:8200/v1/secret/source/usernameNow we need to configure Streamsets with to use AppRole. In Cloudera Manager go to the configuration for the Streamsets service. In the Data Collector Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for text block enter these values:credentialStore.vault.config.addr=http://<vaultserver>:8200/ credentialStores=vault credentialStore.vault.def=streamsets-datacollector-vault-credentialstore-lib::com_streamsets_datacollector_credential_vault_VaultCredentialStore<secretid><roleid>You'll notice that we used the Role Id and Secret Id obtained in the previous steps. After entering these you'll need to restart the Streamsets service. In the Streamsets pipelines we need to change the expression language we use to access secrets. In the previous example we used:curl \ -X GET \ -H "X-Vault-Token:<newtoken>" \ http://<vaultserver>:8200/v1/secret/source/usernameto access the source username. To mimic this in the Streamsets pipeline, in credentials tab of an origin/destination we use this syntax${credential:get("vault", "all","secret/source/username&value" )}
likewise, if we want to get the password for source we would enter${credential:get("vault", "all","secret/source/password&value" )}
![]() |
Figure 1. Credentials in Streamsets Pipeline |